Card Product Managers in Musk Empire

Game Card Image

Product Managers

Card tab Team
Subcategory RnD Department
Upgrade cost up to LvL 15 2,407,000
Income per hour at LvL 15 51,000 per hour
Payback at LvL 15 2 days

How to unlock the card Product Managers

To unlock the card Product Managers at level 1, you need to upgrade the card Recruiter to level 3 LvL and reach a character level of 2.

To unlock the card Product Managers at level 4, you need to upgrade the card Cleaner to level 3 LvL.

Card Upgrade Levels Table: Product Managers

The table shows the upgrade costs for the Product Managers card in the Team category at each level. It includes information on hourly income and the payback period.

LevelUpgrade CostHourly ProfitPayback (hours/days)
1800013006 hours / 0.3 days
211000110010 hours / 0.4 days
315000110014 hours / 0.6 days
420500110019 hours / 0.8 days
528000120023 hours / 1 days
638500140028 hours / 1.2 days
753000180029 hours / 1.2 days
872500200036 hours / 1.5 days
999500250040 hours / 1.7 days
10136000300045 hours / 1.9 days
11186000400047 hours / 2 days
12255000500051 hours / 2.1 days
13350000650054 hours / 2.3 days
14479000850056 hours / 2.3 days
156550001050062 hours / 2.6 days

Data for the card levels of Product Managers is still being updated. We are adding new data daily.

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