Card Personal Assistant in Musk Empire

Game Card Image

Personal Assistant

Card tab Team
Subcategory Adm Department
Upgrade cost up to LvL 15 3,714,400
Income per hour at LvL 15 130,000 per hour
Payback at LvL 15 1.2 days

How to unlock the card Personal Assistant

To unlock the card Personal Assistant at level 1, you need to upgrade the card Recruiter to level 1 LvL and reach a character level of 2.

To unlock the card Personal Assistant at level 2, you need to upgrade the card HR to level 1 LvL.

Card Upgrade Levels Table: Personal Assistant

The table shows the upgrade costs for the Personal Assistant card in the Team category at each level. It includes information on hourly income and the payback period.

LevelUpgrade CostHourly ProfitPayback (hours/days)
150008506 hours / 0.3 days
274009508 hours / 0.3 days
311000110010 hours / 0.4 days
416000130012 hours / 0.5 days
524000180013 hours / 0.5 days
635500220016 hours / 0.7 days
752500280019 hours / 0.8 days
878000400020 hours / 0.8 days
9115000500023 hours / 1 days
10170000700024 hours / 1 days
11252000950027 hours / 1.1 days
123730001350028 hours / 1.2 days
135500001850030 hours / 1.3 days
148150002550032 hours / 1.3 days
1512100003600034 hours / 1.4 days

Data for the card levels of Personal Assistant is still being updated. We are adding new data daily.

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