Card Lighting in Musk Empire

Game Card Image


Card tab Office
Subcategory Space
Upgrade cost up to LvL 21 134,926,500
Income per hour at LvL 21 4,850,000 per hour
Payback at LvL 21 1.2 days

How to unlock the card Lighting

To unlock the card Lighting at level 1, you need to upgrade the card Area to level 2 LvL.

To unlock the card Lighting at level 4, you need to reach a character level of 5.

To unlock the card Lighting at level 19, you need to reach a character level of 19.

Card Upgrade Levels Table: Lighting

The table shows the upgrade costs for the Lighting card in the Office category at each level. It includes information on hourly income and the payback period.

LevelUpgrade CostHourly ProfitPayback (hours/days)
112000120010 hours / 0.4 days
218000160011 hours / 0.5 days
327500220013 hours / 0.5 days
441500320013 hours / 0.5 days
562500430015 hours / 0.6 days
694000650014 hours / 0.6 days
7142000900016 hours / 0.7 days
82150001250017 hours / 0.7 days
93240001800018 hours / 0.8 days
104900002600019 hours / 0.8 days
117400003750020 hours / 0.8 days
1211200005300021 hours / 0.9 days
1316900007700022 hours / 0.9 days
14255000011100023 hours / 1 days
15384000016200024 hours / 1 days
16581000023000025 hours / 1 days
17877000033500026 hours / 1.1 days
181324000049000027 hours / 1.1 days
191999000071000028 hours / 1.2 days
2030180000104000029 hours / 1.2 days
2145570000152000030 hours / 1.3 days

Data for the card levels of Lighting is still being updated. We are adding new data daily.

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