Card HR in Musk Empire

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Card tab Team
Subcategory HR Department
Upgrade cost up to LvL 21 3,465,000
Income per hour at LvL 21 14,500 per hour
Payback at LvL 21 10 days

How to unlock the card HR

To unlock the card HR at level 1, you need to upgrade the card Recruiter to level 3 LvL and reach a character level of 2.

Card Upgrade Levels Table: HR

The table shows the upgrade costs for the HR card in the Team category at each level. It includes information on hourly income and the payback period.

LevelUpgrade CostHourly ProfitPayback (hours/days)
11500070021 hours / 0.9 days
23000070043 hours / 1.8 days
34500070064 hours / 2.7 days
46000070086 hours / 3.6 days
575000700107 hours / 4.5 days
690000700129 hours / 5.4 days
7105000700150 hours / 6.3 days
8120000700171 hours / 7.1 days
9135000800169 hours / 7 days
10150000600250 hours / 10.4 days
11165000800206 hours / 8.6 days
12180000600300 hours / 12.5 days
13195000800244 hours / 10.2 days
14210000600350 hours / 14.6 days
15225000700321 hours / 13.4 days
16240000500480 hours / 20 days
172550001000255 hours / 10.6 days
18270000500540 hours / 22.5 days
192850001000285 hours / 11.9 days
20300000500600 hours / 25 days
21315000500630 hours / 26.3 days
223300001000330 hours / 13.8 days
23345000500690 hours / 28.8 days
243600001000360 hours / 15 days
25375000500750 hours / 31.3 days
26390000500780 hours / 32.5 days

Data for the card levels of HR is still being updated. We are adding new data daily.

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